Long Island Abundant Life Church Chinese School
The LIALC-CS has the special team and purpose of love. We desire to bless our community not only by teaching Chinese language and culture, but more so by caring those who come to CS with the love and good news of Jesus Christ. We invite you to come and taste, and also to contribute to make it our family.
Upcoming Event

Hi this is Margaret from Chinese School PBC (Parents Breakfast Club). How are you all? How is everything going in year 2025 so far?
PBC knows that being a parent is a 24/7 job, with no days off, no downtime, and, worst of all, no manual to make sure we’re doing things right. Parenting is hard work-- we’re here to help so you can overcome common obstacles in your parenting journey.
On March 1st, Saturday, Ms. Vivien Li, will hold a special workshop on this important topic: “Parenting Skills & Emotional Management”.
For those who do not know Vivien. She holds a master degree in counseling psychology from Columbia University. She specializes in personal, family and marriage counseling. Not only does she have extensive clinical counseling experience, she is also an author whose book is titled: “Mind Perspective - Stories of Life in the Counseling Room.
Hey parents, this is one of the workshops that you don’t want to miss! See you then
中文學校家長,您好嗎?我是家長早餐會的 Margaret!
PBC 知道,為人父母是一份全天候的工作,沒有放假,沒有空閒時間,最糟糕的是,沒有一本「家長手冊」來指導我們如何做才是最正確。 真的,養育子女是一項艱苦的工作,就讓PBC為您提供一些協助,去避免養育子女中的一些常見錯誤吧!
三月一日星期六上午十點,PBC 邀請了李飛君女士,舉行一個特別的講座;題目是:「親子教養~如何成為情商高的父母」。
對於那些不認識李飛君女士的人, 讓我介紹一下, 李女士是哥倫比亞大學心理輔導碩士,是位資深的心理諮商師,她專業提供個人、家庭及婚姻輔導。她不單有豐富的臨床輔導經驗,也是一位作家,其著作書名是:心靈透視鏡--輔導室里的生命故事。
那就約定3月 1日見面吧!
PBC 知道,为人父母是一份全天候的工作,没有放假,没有空闲时间,最糟糕的是,没有一本「家长手册」来指导我们如何做才是最正确。 真的,养育子女是一项艰苦的工作,就让PBC为您提供一些协助,去避免养育子女中的一些常见错误吧!
三月一日星期六上午十点,PBC 邀请了李飞君女士,举行一个特别的讲座;题目是:「亲子教养~如何成为情商高的父母」。
对于那些不认识李飞君女士的人, 让我介绍一下, 李女士是哥伦比亚大学心理辅导硕士,是位资深的心理谘商师,她专业提供个人、家庭及婚姻辅导。她不单有丰富的临床辅导经验,也是一位作家,其著作书名是:心灵透视镜--辅导室里的生命故事。
那就约定3月 1日见面吧!